Fedrigoni Top Award 2019
Now in its eleventh edition, the Fedrigoni Top Award has been established by the Fedrigoni Group with the aim of identifying the international excellences engaged in the realization of printed projects in which paper is lived not only as a support, but as a real tool for design.
Initially conceived as an in-house competition, the Fedrigoni Top Award is today the only competition aimed at rewarding the entire supply chain involved in the creation of a printed product: graphic designer, printer and customer are therefore considered as essential parts of a project of pure creativity , which comes to life from paper.
The jury of the 2019 edition, made up exclusively of international experts in the graphic and publishing sector, has been involved for a long time in the selection of the finalists of the four competing categories: Corporate Identity, Books, Packaging and Labels.
Among more than 1100 candidates from all over the world, Grafiche Veneziane has been selected as a finalist for the category “Books” thanks to the ambitious project: Fabrizio Plessi, Fenix DNA, designed by Studio Tomomot and published by Lineadacqua Edizioni, ranking third in front of prominent names on the international scene.
The book ensures readers fully experience the installation by artist Fabrizio Plessi at the La Fenice Theatre in Venice. The darkness of pages in turn reveals light, fire and water in sequences that recreate the cycle of performances. This immersive and highly evocative story book helps readers get closer to the creative thinking of an artist who has always been fascinated by elements such water and fire that are interconnected with the history of Venice and its Theatre – three times burnt down and three times rebuilt.
The victory of the Fedrigoni Top Award was for Grafiche Veneziane a source of incredible satisfaction, and yet another confirmation of the importance of the artistic partnership with Tomomot and Lineadacqua Edizioni, which brings prestige not only to our professional reality, but also to the entire city of Venice.